How To Grow Broccoli


Broccoli is another cool weather crop that you can grow at home. It is a Cole crop and part of the Brassica family along with Brussels Sprouts, kale and cabbage. Starting Seeds Early In the Season Broccoli can take a long time to grow, some take 85 – 100 days to harvest, so it is…

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How To Grow English Cucumbers

fresh cucumbers in the garden

English Cucumbers are a warm weather crop that is easy to grow. They are a member of the cucurbitacea family which also includes melons, pumpkins and squash. English cucumbers were bred to have a thinner smooth skin with less seeds, which make it perfect for eating fresh. Starting Seeds Indoors To get an early start…

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Terpenes A Closer Look At Sabinene

Terpenes A Closer Look at Sabinene is part of the discussion of terpenes and the role they play in cannabis. Sabinene is a terpene found in carrots seeds, nutmeg, tea tree, all spice, cloves, cardamom, oak, black pepper, bergamot, and some types of cannabis. The aroma is woody, peppery and spicy with hints of citrus.…

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Cured Beef Garlic Sausage

smoked garlic sausage

The time and effort put into this cold cured beef garlic sausage yields an incredible, ready to eat product that looks like it came from a butcher shop. First smoked then poached and finally cold cured for a beautiful dried garlic coil. Cured Beef Garlic Sausage We went with a beef only grind in this…

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Grades of Beef In Canada

The Beef Grading system in Canada is separated into several groups. The quality grade evaluates many characteristic which determine meat quality. The age, quality of marbling, degree of muscling, fat and meat colouring and texture all play roles in grading. We will look at the top 4 grades of beef in Canada. Grades of Beef…

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