How To Grow Corn

corn in a three sisters garden

Corn is a rewarding crop to grow in your garden. With deep roots in history, it is one of the traditional plants grown in a Three Sisters Garden. How To Grow Corn In growing zones lower than zone 4 you should start corn indoors a few weeks before the last frost of the season. Corn…

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How To Grow Carrots

carrots on Nutmeg Disrupted

Carrots are one of the easiest root vegetables to grow. They can be planted early in the season and can be harvested up until the first snowfall. What you need to know about planting carrot seeds Pick a location where you are going to grow carrots. They prefer full sun, though they can tolerate a…

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How To Grow Pumpkins

how to grow pumpkins

Pumpkins are a low growing squash that is easy to grow with rewarding harvests. How To Grow Pumpkins What Kind of Pumpkin Should I Grow There are a few options when selecting the types of pumpkin you want to grow. They come in all shapes and sizes, some even come in colours like white and…

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How To Grow A Three Sisters Garden

Three Sisters Garden

A Three Sisters Garden is the historical practice of planting corn, pole beans and squash together. These three plants grown together complement each other and are a great use of space. It is said to be a perfectly balanced harvest that makes the most of the growing space. The corn plants are a living support…

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How To Grow Kale

kale on Nutmeg Disrupted

Kale is a cool weather crop that can be started early in the season. The cooler weather of spring and fall enhances the sweet nuttiness of the leaves. It is a member of the brassica family like cauliflower, kohlrabi, cabbage, brussels sprouts and broccoli. Kale is cold tolerant to -6C. It comes in various colours…

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