Raspberry Jelly
You will need cheese cloth or jelly bags for the juicing part of this recipe. Always use clean sterilized jars and new snap lids for any canning project.
Recipe type: Condiment
Cuisine: Jelly
  • 4 cups of raspberry juice
  • 5½ sugar
  • 1 package of pectin, I prefer powdered Certo
  • 1 tablespoon of butter - optional
  1. Combine the raspberry juice and pectin in a deep pot, stirring well to dissolve the power.
  2. Over medium high heat bring the mixture to a boil.
  3. Once boiling add the sugar.
  4. Stir until the sugar is dissolved completely.
  5. Add the butter.
  6. Bring the mixture to a full rolling boil.
  7. Boil for one minite.
  8. Remove from heat.
  9. Skim if needed.
  10. Using a ladle fill the hot jars with jelly.
  11. Wipe the rims of the jars with a clean hot cloth.
  12. Top with new snap lids and add a ring, turning only until finger tight.
  13. Allow to cool undisturbed for 24 hours.
  14. As the jars cool you will hear the lids pop when they are completely sealed.
  15. Store any unseal jars in the fridge and use first.
  16. Give the jars a wipe and store in a dark cool place.
Recipe by Nutmeg Disrupted at https://nutmegdisrupted.com/raspberry-jelly/