Terpenes A Closer Look At Fenchol

Terpenes A Closer Look At Fenchol is part of the discussion of the role terpenes play in cannabis. Fenchol is a terpene in basil, eucalyptus, asters, nutmeg, fennel, citrus fruit, and some types of cannabis. The aroma is refreshing, piney, herbal, earthy and woody. It is the primary scent in Basil. Benefits of Fenchol A…

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Terpenes A Closer Look At Camphor

Terpenes A Closer Look At Camphor is part of the discussion of the role that terpenes play in cannabis. Camphor is a terpene found in the camphor laurel tree, rosemary, basil, mint, raspberries, apricots, sage, ginger and some types of cannabis. The aroma is woody and minty. Benefits of Camphor It can assist in the…

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Terpenes A Closer Look At Valencene

Terpenes A Closer Look At Valencene is part of the discussion of terpenes and the role it plays in cannabis. The terpene is found in Valencia oranges, grapefruit, tangerines, nectarines, Chinese Bayberry, olive oil and some types of cannabis. The aroma is citrusy, sweet, woody with light herbal notes. Benefits of Valencene Like many terpenes…

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Terpenes A Closer Look At Terpineol

Terpenes A Closer Look At Terpineol is part of the discussion on the role terpenes play in cannabis. Terpineol is a terpene found in lime blossoms, eucalyptus sap, chamomile, St. John’s wort, tea tree oil, lemon, mandarin orange, basil, oregano, geranium, parsley, thyme, cloves. anise, gingers, laurel, lilacs, pine trees and some strains of cannabis.…

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Terpenes A Closer Look At Sabinene

Terpenes A Closer Look at Sabinene is part of the discussion of terpenes and the role they play in cannabis. Sabinene is a terpene found in carrots seeds, nutmeg, tea tree, all spice, cloves, cardamom, oak, black pepper, bergamot, and some types of cannabis. The aroma is woody, peppery and spicy with hints of citrus.…

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